Being a mom is one of the hardest, most unappreciated, physically and emotionally exhausting jobs you will ever do; and yet, “mommy” is the greatest, most rewarding name you will ever be called. It is irrational. If you are a mom, you know what I mean by that. Celebrate it. The following list incorporates thirty signs that you are a mom. Have fun with it.
You might be a mom if…
- Your refrigerator doubles as an art display.
- The restaurant you go to the most often has a playground attached to it.
- While searching for chap stick in our purse, you pull out a diaper.
- You write your grocery list with a crayon.
- Going to the store by yourself is a vacation.
- A booty call for you consists of someone from the bathroom yelling that they need their butt wiped.
- Your legs haven’t been shaved in a week or more.
- The days drag but, the years fly by.
- There is more food under the kitchen table then on it.
- Multitasking is your specialty. You can breastfeed, talk on the phone, cook breakfast, and discipline a naughty kid all at the same time.
You might also be a mom if:
- “Heiny,” “Tushy,” and “potty” are words you use in daily conversations.
- Physical pain for you has three levels: pain, excruciating pain, and stepping on a Lego; and you have experienced them all.
- “Because I said so” is your go-to answer when asked “why?”.
- Something you lost can be found in the toilet.
- You go through the care wash for the entertainment value.
- Every shopping excursion ends with the purchase of some child or infant item.
- Three loads of laundry are processed by you every single day and you still can’t catch up.
- Sacrificing what you love for what you love more consists of always putting yourself last, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
- You reheat your coffee four times and you still don’t get to drink it.
- The clean up song is sung by you every time you clean; even when the kids are not home.
Last, You are a mom if:
- Hiding in the closet to eat a cookie or have a glass of wine is a daily occurrence in your house.
- You realize you just watched an episode of Barbie all by yourself.
- The day is spent doing everything but, at the end of the day, it looks as though you have done nothing.
- You realize you are swaying without holding a baby.
- “Stop hitting your sister with that pony” is something you have yelled.
- Your kid starts to vomit and you catch it with your hands.
- The thought of sniffing a butt is completely normal.
- There is never a moment where you are alone.
- Reality consists of getting puke in your bra and snot on your clothes because your kid needed to be comforted when they were ill.
- You are constantly wondering if you are doing things right.
The job of a mom consists of being a caregiver, chauffeur, chef, maid, entertainer, nurse, therapist, best friend, teacher, disciplinarian, and the list goes on. We do all of this so that these tiny humans will grow into amazing, caring, responsible adults. Raising kids is not for everyone. For those tat are moms and those that will be moms in the future, embrace it with laughter. That will get you through. I hope I made you laugh.