“Wellness encompasses a healthy body, a sound mind and a tranquil spirit. Enjoy the journey as you strive for wellness.”
— Laurette Gagnon Beaulieu
All About The Lily
Spring ushers in the rejuvenation of life, with baby animals and newly budding plants and trees. It is a time of peace, prosperity, transformation, and rebirth. The season holds beautiful renewal, which March opens up and April carries through. The flower that symbolize all of this, and more, blooms in these moments. Lets talk all about the lily… READ MORE
The Significance of Journaling
Writers know all about the beauty of the blank page. It can be a gift and curse to encounter it. A gift if you know what you want to say, and a curse if you do not. A lot of writers journal to get the creative juices flowing, but the significance of journaling does not pertain to just writers. Anyone can journal because there are a great many benefits that come from it… READ MORE
5 Tips for Creating an Eco-Friendly Pond
Being around a body of water feeds the soul in ways that cannot be explained. For some, boating out on the lake is the ticket. Others enjoy a good fishing trip to the river. There are even those that just need a swim in the back yard pool. Reading a book near a small body of water where coy fish, lily pads, and frogs abound, can brighten any day. With these 5 tips for creating an eco-friendly pond, you can enjoy a natural, beautiful, and economically sound environment in your own back yard… READ MORE
The Saint Patrick’s Day Exercise List
At the start of the year, you may have made an exercise resolution or goal. March is filled with alcohol and pie, as the fourteenth is pie dayand the seventeenth is Saint Patrick’s Day. It is a time to check in on your commitment to better your mind, body, and spirit. We must focus on staying on track. Here is a Saint Patrick’s Day Exercise list to keep you… READ MORE
The 10 Ways to Boost Your Immune System
The most significant way to train the body to fight disease and fend off sickness is to build and maintain a healthy and strong immune system. Knowing that it is all about more than what you eat is also important. Routine, mental health, physical activity, and sleep patterns are all involved. They are all parts of the 10 ways to boost your immune system… READ MORE
The Healing Power of Aloe Vera
The Aloe Vera plant is the “poster child” for don’t judge a book by its cover. On the outside, it is a rigid, prickly, plain plant. This inside holds an almost magical goodness. The healing power of loe vera is vast. It reaches into the health, beauty and food industries respectively; and, new uses show themselves everyday… READ MORE
The Beauty of the Snowdrop
The winter months hold such promise of elegance and stunning ambience, as they usher in snow and flowers and innocence. The beauty of teh snowdrop is one that stuns the mounds and freshly fallen fluff… READ MORE
The Healing Power of Peppermint
Peppermint is the result of a cross between water mint and speariment. It is a plant that can grow anywhere. Being a hybrid, it is usually sterile, producing no seeds and reproducing only vegetatively…READ MORE
The Healing Power of Lavender
Lavender is a true adaptogen; and is a universally healing herb. What it does for the mind and body is amazing and the healing power if lavender is evident in its vast uses. Let’s take a look at the background, types, uses, benefits, and contraindications…READ MORE
10 Quotes That Induce Inspiration
All aspects of life can easily be expressed in words. Letters gathered together in order to portray education, entertainment, and emotion. Formulated into meanigful statements, here are 10 quotes that induce inspiration… READ MORE
The February Exercise List
In a month surrounded by all things love related, celebrate national heart health with the February exercise list…READ MORE
The Healing Properties of Grapefruit
The healing properties of grapefruit are abounding. The fruit, the seeds, the extract, and the oil all aid the body in magical ways…READ MORE
A New Year, A New You
Every new year brings about the desire to change certain things about ourselves. Maybe this year the decision to stop smoking, or spend more time with family has been made. Weight loss is always a top choice. The truth is that resolutions never really work. Visit a gym in the first few weeks of teh new year and you will find them packed with those hoping to get fit. Those same establishments will not be as busy after the first few months of a new year… READ MORE
Suicide is Preventable
As I was scrolling through my Facebook feed the other day, I came across a photograph of a man on a bridge. His standing outside the rail, on the ledge, led me to believe he was attempting to end his life. The picture caught my eye because the man was kbeing held by the arms and hands of several complete strangers. From inside the rails, on the bridge, they held him until help arrived. Meeting him in his despair, these people shared empathy. Through kindness and compassion, they showed that suicide is preventable…READ MORE
50 Things You Should Do Before Your Turn 50
Take a momnet and look at your life. Are you where you thought you would be? Are you doing the things that you thought you would be doing? We all have expectations in this life. We take stock, what have I accomplished? Have I done the things I wanted to do? I say stop looking back and get to being that person you always wanted to be and doiong the things you always wanted to do. Here are 50 things you should do before you turn 50…READ MORE
The Power of Water
All life would cease without the existence of water. H2O is essential. So, why not make drinking it more enjoyable? Mix it up and hydrate yourself differently. Here are some ways to drink the power of water…READ MORE
The Healing Power of Plants: The Rose
The smell of rose water, incense, and body sprays always brings me back to my childhood. Fragrant, earthy tones inhabit my senses and I am transported to days as a little girl; where I remember rose bushes in the yard, and the fresh floral scent swirling around my home. The healing power of plants: the rose has healing properties for the entire being; mind, body, and sould… READ MORE
The Seven Days of Love: Storge…
A natural, unforced, instinctual affection for another human being. Deeply rooted in the ideas of family, it is a love that binds and develops over time. In other respects, it is instantaneous and unexplainable; such as the love of a paretn for their child… READ MORE
The Seven Days of Love: Eros…
The arrows forcefully leave the bow and plunge into the two bodies. Destined to intertwine with one another in passionate love, their hearts are pierced with an overwhelming desire to connect… READ MORE
The Seven Days of Love: Ludus…
Ludus love is flirtatuious and seductive, playful and selfish. Having a crush and acting on it can begin this affection seen between lovers. A ludic lover may have many conquests. Yet, they remain uncommitted. This being needs attention. They play with the emotions of others. As a result, they lack attachment and cheat. Ludus is a narcissistic love with one player having the potential to spiral into mania… READ MORE
The Seven Days of Love: Pragma…
Pragmatic love is an enduring love. It is an aged, mature, practical appreciation for another human being; founded on reason. The seven days of love: Pragma focuses on the intimate connection found in this forever love… READ MORE
The Seven Days of Love: Philia…
You become a friend to many when you have a strong love for God and a healthy love of self. It releases you to love your fellow human beings with ease, comfort, and compassion. The seven days of love: Philia encompasses brotherly, emotional, and affectionate love. A shared good will. That of friendship… READ MORE
The Seven Days of Love: Philautia…
In order to love others, you must first learn to love yourself. Philautia is a love that can be bad or it can be good and it is dependent upon how one sees themselves. Let’s dive deeper into the seven days of love: philautia and talk about the good, the bad, and the beauty… READ MORE
The Seven Days of Love: Agape…
Agape is the love of the soul. It encompasses the modern concept of altruism which is unselfish concern for the welfare of others. It is a Christian term referring to the highest form of love, charity. The love of God for man and man for God. It is not a feeling; it is a motivation for action that we are free to choose or reject… READ MORE
10 Steps Toward Protecting Your Vibe…
Vibes are the emotional signals a person gives out to those around them with their body language and social interactions. In other words, the quality of ones life is directly related to the quality of their thoughts, words, food, fitness, purpose, experience, environment, and relationships. Realize this and use these 10 steps toward protecting your vibe: your being; who you are to your core… READ MORE
70 Funny Anytime Jokes
There is an art to telling a joke. The punch line needs to be said at the exact right time. Lets face it, some people are good at it and others are not. With this list of 70 funny anytime jokes, everyone is guaranteed to get a laugh. So lets get started with the telling of jokes…READ MORE
Perspective is a key component in both self-awareness and empathy for others. It is defined as being “a particular attitude toward a way of regarding someting.” In other words, your interpretation of some specific issue will define you and the person you become. Meditation is about changing perspective…READ MORE
7 Days Of Gratitude: Day 6: Juliette
“At times, our own light goes out aqnd is rekindled by a sark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.” In readig this quote by Albert…READ MORE
How To Read The Bible In 1 Year
A new year brings about opportunities for a fresh start in every area of our lives. As a religious person, it is significant to refresh the arts of prayer and Bible reading at the commencement of each year. My favorite way to read the Bible is to do so chronologically. This is how to read the Bible in 1 year…READ MORE
7 Days of Gratitude: Day 5: Eris
Someone once said that, “when we are thankful, our focus moves off selfish desires and off the pain of current circumstances.” We all go through bad times. Every one of us has had times of trouble. The point here is to be thankful in the midst of hard circumstances…READ MORE
The Importance of Spending Mealtimes as a Family
Extended family is flying in. Many are driving out to visit with their moms and dads. Significant others are preparing the parental introductions. The time to break bread with family is upon us. I contemplate the importance of spending mealtimes as a family because Thanksgiving approaches with great speed and I worry about the health of those that I love…READ MORE
7 Days of Gratitude: Day 4: Samuel
As a mom, the most important people in my life after God are my kids. My relationships with them are ones I work the hardest at. I worry about them, I fret over the decisions I make regarding them, and I pray for them all the time. The thankfulness I feel for them is highest on my list of gratitude…READ MORE
7 Days of Gratitude: Day 3: Thomas
At times, being a mom is the most challenging character I play in life. I have my daughter card, my sister t-shirt, my wife tiara, my estranged wife hat, and my mommy cape. Among others. On any given day you will see me engaging in a vast series of occupations as a mom…READ MORE
7 Days of Gratitude: Day 2: Mikayla
When I look at life, I think of a jigsaw puzzle. All the pieces fit together, making you a complete person, when all are present and accounted for. Relationships play a huge role in the finalized picture for me. My kids take up the biggest parts of my puzzle and I would be nothing without those glorious beings in my life. Gratitude day two revolves around my second daughter, Mikayla…READ MORE
7 Days of Gratitude: Day 1: Kameron
The choice to expend more gratitude into the world is one easily made. For me, spending seven consecutive days discussing the things that I am thankful for and appreciative of is exciting. My hope is that you will carry on in these footsteps and open up about the things you are grateful for. In doing so, you can put the words out into the universe and grow to be someone free from fear. And thrive…READ MORE
Living Life with an Attitude of Gratitude
Several years of my life were spent in a state of depression. It is shattered me to my core. Huge life changes had occurred and my entire being seemed to be pinned down in a roller coaster from hell. I took a chance at change attending a church in Carlsbad, California. I went to God on my knees and that was the turning point for me. Now, becoming a better version of myself in the path that I am taking. Currently, I am working on living a life with an attitude of gratitude. In doing so, there are a few things I researched for answers…READ MORE
5 Facts About Holistic Medicine
Wellness incorporates a slew of medical practices that lead to healing. Holistic medicine is an example of such. Let’s look at 5 facts about holistic medicine….Read More
4 Important Reasons for Purchasing Quality Glasses
Every mother since the beginning of time (I am convinced of that) worries about one big thing when it comes to their kids, their health. From the controversial questions like, “do I vaccinate?” to the easier, “do I let him eat chocolate cupcakes every day this week?” The decisions can be stressful and the concern haunting…Read More
The Healing Power of Plants: The Orange and Its Tree
From plant to peel and flower to fruit, the orange and its tree aid in the healing of many ailments. From the cleaning of wounds and the prevention of infection to fighting allergies and kicking acne out of your life. The healing power of the orange tree is a force to be reckoned with…Read More
The Healing Power of Plants: Introduction
The power to heal the ailments found in our world has been experienced across the board since the beginning of time by way of plants. There are great properties in every aspect of them..Read More