The seven days of love: storge


Of all the types of love, some are strong, others are fleeting, few are lasting. As we discuss, the seven days of love: Storge; we see that this is one of few.

what is storge?

A natural, unforced, instinctual affection for another human being. Deeply rooted in the ideas of family, it is a love that binds and develops over time. In other respects, it is instantaneous and unexplainable; such as the love of a parent for their child.

Storge also explains the love one might have for their community or country. Enveloped in patriotism, it lends itself to security and a feeling of belonging.

More about the seven days of love: storge

Within marriage, storge lovers are friends first. There is significance to them in commitment. The love is not based in desire, it is not impermanent, and it is not fleeting. It intensifies with years and takes time to cultivate. Storge does not carry a lot of “feelings,” but it is the heart of security and comfort in a relationship.

The physical show of affection results from a pure motive. Maybe a hug, a kiss, or another expression of genuine affection.

It is mature love. Including acceptance, emotional support, calmness, respect, caring, kindness, friendship, and consideration.

the pros and cons of storge love

The main disadvantage of storgic love may be the large time investment and the loss of that investment if the friendship ends. Pros for this love by far outweigh the cons.


The Bible tells us to love one another as siblings because we are all the children of God…

Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another.

Romans 12:10

the conclusion

It is a human love. It does not need God to exist, but without God in the picture, it will die.

In Storge love, one loves for the sake of loving.

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