The Importance of Spending Mealtimes as a Family

table 2 ( family is flying in.  Many are driving out to visit with their moms and dads.  Significant others are preparing the parental introductions.  The time to break bread with family is upon us.  I contemplate the importance of spending mealtimes as a family because Thanksgiving approaches with great speed and I worry about the health of those that I love.  Will my kids get everything that they need if we do not eat at the same table?  Is there more to eating as a family than just what happens on the holidays?  My hope is to find the answers to these questions, and to many more you might be asking.

How significant is eating as a family?

Many studies preformed proved that a family that eats together, grows together.  Meaning that when we sit down with those closest to us, we tend to converse in between bites.  We laugh together.  We discuss the day that everyone had.  We begin to know one another and it brings us closer together.  The importance of spending mealtimes as a family is pretty significant to our health and happiness.  Perhaps the most important knowledge that I gained from my research was that eating as a family should not just occur on the Holidays.

What are the benefits of eating as a family?

Every piece of information that I found on what benefits are reaped from eating as a family was substantial.  If you go through this list and do not see the importance, I am at a loss.  If a family spends just one meal a day together, we see these benefits.

Mental Health Improves
  • Kids eating regularly with the family are less likely to do drugs and experience the symptoms of depression.
Physical and Emotional Health Improves
  • Everyone starts eating a wider variety of foods and become less picky eaters.
  • Family meals provide an opportunity for  members to come together, strengthen ties and build better relationships. Self esteem improves because of this.
  • Eating together helps prevent obesity.
  • It lowers the risk of teen pregnancy.
  • Those involved are less likely to develop eating disorders.
Development Improves
  • Eating together brings parents to the forefront as teachers of table manners, healthy eating habits, and general etiquette,
  • Promotes language skills because more talking occurs.
  • There is a better academic performance from all involved.


Thanksgiving is next week.  Now that you know some of the greatest benefits there are in eating as a family, why wait until then?  Start building better relationships now.  One meal at a time.