The Healing Power Of Peppermint

The healing power of peppermint - the peppermint plant

Peppermint is the result of a cross between water mint and spearmint. It is a plant that can grow anywhere. Being a hybrid, it is usually sterile, producing no seeds and reproducing only vegetatively. The leaves and flowering tops are collected as soon as the flowers begin to open and can be dried. It is in these parts of the plant where the healing power of peppermint lies.

Peppermint Uses and Preparations


Christmas time always brings the peppermint food items into the forefront. From Candy canes to peppermint bark, and delicious cookies and candies.

the healing power of peppermint = Peppermint Candy Canes
the healing power of peppermint - Peppermint Bark
the healing power of peppermint - peppermint candies

Aside from Christmas items; peppermint can be found in other foods and beverages; such as, chopped and placed into salads. In addition to all this deliciousness; a syrup is created so that those that enjoy coffee, cakes, and cookies can do so with a touch of peppermint in them. Make a batch of Peppermint tea, place it in the freezer; once frozen, place into a glass with water, lemonade, or iced tea; and enjoy a cooling beverage on a hot day.


Peppermint makes a good antiseptic for the skin. The menthol in peppermint can get rid of dandruff and lice. The essential oil of peppermint can be used to create a hair conditioning rinse that can be mixed with witch hazel. The exact recipe is as follows:

  • one-part peppermint essential oil
  • cider vinegar in one-part.
  • leave in or rinse out.

For an acne fighting facial astringent; place a few mint leaves into a cup of witch hazel. Once the leaves have been in the concoction for a week, strain them out. You can use this astringent daily and it lasts longer when placed into a glass jar.

Steep a handful of mint leaves in a pint of hot water for ten minutes, strain it, and enjoy a soothing mint bath with the results.

Ease sunburn by preparing a strong peppermint tea. Refrigerate the mixture for several hours. To use, gently apply to the burned area with cotton pads.

the healing power of peppermint - tea

To make tea: steep fresh leaves in boiling water for about five minutes and serve. Peppermint tea improves many digestive issues. It can ease stomach upset, alleviate indigestion, gas and cramps, and relieves nausea. The menthol makes it a powerful antispasmodic.

the healing power of peppermint - essential oil

The essential oil extracted from the peppermint plant is very potent. Because of this, it heals many ailments.

The Healing Power of Peppermint

Peppermint has great healing powers. Beyond its use in cooking and beauty; peppermint can be used to heal colic, flatulence, cholera, and diarrhea. Peppermint attracts good bugs and deters bad bugs in the garden. You can relieve a sore back, calm stress and anxiety, and reduce a fever safely and naturally. It improves the respiratory system and heals a persistent cough. Peppermint relieves painful sinus congestion, treats indigestion, gets rid of fungal infections, and can clean a house without the use of dangerous chemicals.

Side Effects

Peppermint can cause heartburn in some, and it can dry up breast milk.


Peppermint has amazing healing powers.


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