The Significance of Journaling
Writers know all about the beauty of the blank page. It can be a gift and curse to encounter it. A gift if you know what you want to say, and a curse if you do not. A lot of writers journal to get the creative juices flowing, but the significance of journaling does not pertain to just writers. Anyone can journal because there are a great many benefits that come from it… READ MORE
Perspective is a key component in both self-awareness and empathy for others. It is defined as being “a particulat attitude toward a way of regarding something. In other words, your interpretation of some specific issue will define you and the person you become. Meditation is about changing perspective…READ MORE
Living Life with an Attitude of Gratitude
Several years of my life were spent in a state of depression. It is shattered me to my core. Huge life changes had occurred and my entire being seemed to be pinned down in a roller coaster from hell. I took a chance at change attending a church in Carlsbad, California. I went to God on my knees and that was the turning point for me. Now, becoming a better version of myself in the path that I am taking. Currently, I am working on living a life with an attitude of gratitude. In doing so, there are a few things I researched for answers…READ MORE