Great importance is given to the safety of our children when the act of trick or treating commences. Parents everywhere know that proper lighting is necessary when our kids are out running around in costumes. We know that hands need to be held when crossing the streets. Keeping close to one another in crowded areas is important. Checking candy at the end of the night is the most significant thing that we do for the safety of our children on Halloween night. But, what about our furry friends? How do we acknowledge them respectfully during this night and keep them safe? Here are some pet safety tips for Halloween.
Costumes vs no Costumes
For some animals, having to wear clothes can be stressful. Do not force your precious pet to wear a costume. It may cause undue harm.
No Pumpkins for the Pets
If your carved up pumpkins have candles lighting them up in the night. Keep in mind that they are a fire hazard if they are tipped over. Be sure to keep all pets away from them.
Witches and Goblins at the door
The door is a danger for several reasons. Most important is the fact that the door is a high traffic area. Doorbells and Knocks at the door can be agitating to them. Please keep that in mind. Secondly, the witches and goblins and the like can spook your pet causing them to run away. Keeping them in the house somewhere comfortable and quiet may keep them calm.
Proper ID
Again, scared pets tend to run. Having proper identification on your furry friend will help you find them if they do take off into the Halloween night.
No Sweets
The last and most important of the pet safety tips for Halloween is no sweets. Candy is for humans only, especially chocolate. If your pet were to get into chocolate, it is an emergency and they should be taken to the veterinarian right away. Keep the candy off the ground and out of the mouths of your beloved furry family members.
From the dangers of chocolate toxicity to the scary creatures that are ringing the doorbell and knocking on the door, some pets just do not belong out and about on Halloween. They may just be happier in a quiet room for a relaxing time. Look to your pets for guidance on how you should follow these pet safety tips for Halloween.