The story of Cain and Able is a familiar story. For those of us that have attended Bible school or Bible camp, it is a popular tail. Two brothers, rivalry, jealousy, and hurt. It all ends when Cain kills his brother Abel. God appears to Cain and asks him, “Where is your brother Abel?” “I don’t know,” he replies. Then he asks the question that will continue to be asked throughout the rest of the Bible, “Am I my brother’s keeper? Genesis 4:9.
Anyone that knows me, knows that I struggle greatly with my own sister. She has done some things that have hurt me to my core. Betrayals so big that anyone in this world would understand if I walked away from any relationship involving her. I won’t get into the actual things that have happened, her and I know the occurrences. God knows the truth. What I want to discuss is the idea, am I my brother’s keeper? Or, in this instance, my sister’s keeper.
God tells us in scripture that we are to love one another, value others above ourselves, turn the other cheek, and forgive all transgressions.
Why is it so hard for us to do these things?
We are human. Meaning, we are all imperfect. Childhood struggles, painful instances, the jealousies that happen between siblings all take us away from being able to forgive or put others above ourselves; especially when the one in question has always been valued by parental figures above you. To them, she can do no wrong.
The reality is, all these are just excuses.
Yes, my sister has our guardian’s favor. But, that same story is found throughout the Bible, Cain and Abel was just the beginning. Joseph was valued by his parents above his brothers. There was Ishmael and Isaac, followed by Esau and Jacob. The list goes on. The Bible is full of stories questioning the responsibilities held with regard to siblings. We ask the question again,
Am I my brother’s keeper?
Truthfully, in my heart of hearts, I know what is right and what is true. I don’t want to make excuses. I pray every day for a heart that forgives the offenses of what has happened between my sister and myself. I look at the picture above of my two youngest daughters and I see their beautiful smiles. I lift them up to God, may they regard and smile like that at one another forever. For all six of my kids, I cherish the moments they are being the keepers of their siblings. I am my brother’s keeper. I am my sister’s keeper. I am the keeper of all those that are not my blood sibling but that of my Godly sisters and brothers. I will do better. I will be better. I will forgive.
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