All About The Lily


Spring ushers in the rejuvenation of life, with baby animals and newly budding plants and trees. It is a time of peace, prosperity, transformation, and rebirth. The season holds beautiful renewal, which March opens up and April carries through. The flower that symbolizes all of this, and more, blooms in these moments. Let’s talk all about the lily.

What Is The Lily?

The true lily belongs to the genus lilium. It shows with colors ranging from white, yellow, and orange to pink, red, and purple. All lilies belong to this family; but the lilium is the only edible one.


Lilies epitomize humility, elegance, and happiness. They symbolize good luck, longevity, devotion, fertility and beauty in marriage. Lilies refer to love, affection, warmth, and joy. White lilies represent a deceased soul returning to the age of its innocence. So, you will see them at funerals often.

The Healing Power of the Lily:

According to Research Gate, the valuable substances in lilies are tannins, glucose, starch, essential oils, alkaloids, and polysaccharides. Because of these compounds, an ointment can be made that will treat burns and wounds without leaving any scars. The nourishing, moisturizing, and regenerative properties of lilies rejuvenate the skin and brighten the complexion as well.

Lilies purify the air and prevent the formation of mildew. They contain antioxidant and detoxifying powers that tranquilize the mind, relieve cough, and promote restful sleep. Tincture helps with neurologic pain and nausea. The lily has anti-inflammatory and astringent properties that shrink tissue and blood vessels. Lily concoctions can relieve stress, anxiety, and depression.

All about the lily in food:

The most edible lily bulbs are purchased in the market, come from mainland China, and are taken from the lilium plant. The flowers are often dried and used in cooking stews and soups. The bulb in food is like using an onion, potato, or other type of root, and the taste is similar as well.


Many people believe that lilies are toxic, which is a common myth. They are extremely poisonous to cats. If you do consume the lily, ingesting too much can have hallucinogenic effects on you. Be cautious as to what amount you have put into your body..


The flower grows best in well drained soil. If you plant it in early Spring, it will bloom late in the season. You can enjoy it and all its healing powers all through the Summer and into the Fall.