Take a moment and look at your life. Are you where you thought you would be? Are you doing the things that you thought you would be doing? We all have expectations in this life. We take stock, what have I accomplished? Have I done all the things I have wanted to do? I say stop looking back and get to being that person you always wanted to be and doing the things you always wanted to do. Here are 50 things you should do before you turn 50.
- Buy a house on your own. Everyone should have a place of their own.
- Eat fish and chips on a pier.
- Attend a music festival.
- See your favorite band live.
- See the Northern Lights.
- Travel somewhere alone.
- Sleep under the stars.
- Watch a meteor show.
- Dance in the rain.
- See a geyser and a volcano.
- Go on a blind date.
- Join a club.
- Visit all fifty states before turning fifty.
- Take a helicopter ride.
- Swim with dolphins, or sharks, if that is your thing.
- Go skinny dipping.
- Ride a gondola in Venice.
- Make a snow angel.
- Take part in a protest.
- Ride an elephant.
- Backpack across Europe.
- Get a tattoo.
- Go to the airport and pick a random flight. Use a passport.
- Skydive.
- Ride in a hot air balloon.
- Sleep in a castle.
- Go on a submarine.
- Ride in a limousine.
- Go to the top of the Eifel Tower.
- Spend New Year’s Eve in Time Square.
- Love God with your whole being and experience the purest love you will ever know.
- Fall in love.
- Get married and share you life with someone.
- Have children so that you can experience parenting.
- Adopt or foster.
- Adopt a dog. They will help you learn kindness and loyalty. Responsibility and love.
- Perform a random act of kindness for a stranger more than once.
- Donate blood. It will teach you how important life is.
- Read, at least, 1000 books.
- Learn a language and use it.
- Become an expert at something.
- Attend an election.
- Own your own business.
- Run a marathon.
- Write a book.
- Plant a vegetable garden.
- Change 50 habits.
- Be a mentee and a mentor.
- Have more than one career.
- Conquer one of your greatest fears.
50 Things You Should Do Before You Turn 50 Conclusion:
The above list are suggestions to enhance life. Just sitting still and enjoying the moment is just as important as jumping on a plane and flying around the world. It is important to recognize that and live, love, and learn in all the moments given to us.