Vibes are the emotional signals a person gives out to those around them with their body language and social interactions. In other words, the quality of ones life is directly related to the quality of their thoughts, words, food, fitness, purpose, experience, environment, and relationships. Realize this and use these 10 steps toward protecting your vibe; your being; who you are to your core.
one: Keep your faith larger than your fears
Everyone has something they believe in. What we experience, think, eat, say, feel, and whom we spend our time with extends from our beliefs. Our faith shapes every part of our beings. For many, a belief system becomes the first real experience with relationships and is the basis for all future relationships.
Fear takes away from our beautiful purpose in life. Keeping our faith larger than our fears becomes step one in protecting who we are.
two: Speak Kindly to yourself and to other people
Good words bring good feelings to the heart. Always speak in kindness to one another and to yourself.
three: Avoid Gossip and Drama
In the same respect as speaking words of kindness, avoiding the negative words is key to protecting your vibe. Walk away from those talking about people behind their backs and in a negative manner. Do not encourage gossip or the drama that goes with it. It only brings you down and gives your heart and mind a muddy feeling.
four: Take Care of your health
Exercising and eating right are two things that lead to good thoughts and feelings about yourself. The endorphins kick in and happiness exudes.
five: Let go of the things you cannot control
six: Do not compare yourself to others
You are who God made you to be and you are perfect the way you are.
seven: Spend some time alone
Getting to know yourself is important. You have to know who you are and what you like in order to be healthy around others. Don’t be scared to read outside under a tree alone, or have a lunch with just yourself.
eight: Be quick to forgive
Holding a grudge and not forgiving only hurts you. The act of holding all that pain in and not moving on will only drag you down.
nine: Set and keep healthy boundaries
There is nothing wrong with telling someone “no.” Fault is never found with the person that says they will not be treated badly. Someone is going to treat you exactly how you allow them to. If you do not set boundaries as to what you want in a healthy way, you will never truly be all you can be. In the same regard, you have to be willing to accept someone else’s boundaries.
ten: Pray and Meditate
Prayer and meditation help to center your thought on what really matters. They relax and help to calm you.
The Dalai Lama once said, “In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision.” As we go into 2020, being a better version of ourselves is key. Knowing who we are helps us to understand others. Using kind language and avoiding negative and hurtful words makes us kinder. Exercising and eating well makes us happier and more energized. Putting our spirituality first and praying and meditating give us a greater quality of life. Use these 10 steps toward protecting your vibe daily and create a positive vision for your future.